Saturday, August 29, 2009

Don't You Love It..?

Oh my goodness.. This post has nothing to do about Texas or anything.. Just my thoughts..

Don't you love it when you listen to a song and you get so into it that when the singer hits that high note, the climax of the song, you just get the chills..

Don't you love the smell of the world when it just stops raining and the air is so clear and you just look around you and are like, "man it smells good."

Don't you love it when you are walking in the woods and you're just by yourself and you feel like you could be anywhere.. Or in anytime..?

Don't you love watching old movies? You know that in the end the guy will ALWAYS end up with the girl, but until that happens every step to her is like a cliff hanger.

Don't you love being able to lay in the grass, with your headphones in and listen to music.. But not just any music, you have to listen to instrumental.. Classical is probably the best.

Don't you love being in a crowd and being the only one that feels sure of themselves..? And not even caring if you do something stupid, because in the end it doesn't matter what they think.

Don't you love when you are with your family and you can act as crazy as you can and they don't care, because they can just say, "Wow, that's so Anna."

Don't you love being so in awe of something that words can't even describe how you feel..

Don't you love it when it's freezing outside, but you know that if you wear a million layers and have a cup of tea you'll be perfectly content going outside..

Don't you love pulling the comfy chair right in front of the fire and curl up with a really good book and some hot drink and just be happy to be there, in that moment.

Don't you love having a marathon, movie marathon that is. You can't even feel bad for watching like hours of movies because you're having a marathon.. And Duh! Everyone knows that's a good excuse..

Don't you love when you have that one person that you can just vent to.. Even when you're totally fed up with someone or something, you know that one person will always be there to listen..

Don't you love it when you're talking to someone and you don't even have to think of the next thing you guys are going to talk about, because conversation just goes so smoothly you don't need to think about..

Don't you love it when you don't have to care what you look like or dress like because no one that you're with cares about what you look like, they just like you as you are..

Don't you love music? When I listen to Ella Fitzgerald or Tony Bennett, sometimes I can just imagine what it was like to be there when they were singing it live.

Man.. I love.. Loving things.. I'll think up of some more things that I love and post some more.. But right now I just want to enjoy my bliss with life..

"Love life and life will love you back. Love people and they will love you back."

Signing off,
-Arthur Rubinstein

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Saturday and Sunday.. August 22 and 23, 2009


It was a good day today. I got up, later than usual because we had no corporate! and ate breakfast, had a quiet time and did worship (I think it’s all a blur to me now). At CCM we had our 3rd workshop, I was in the Camera workshop, we learned how to set up a like interview set and then we learned where to set the lights and where to set the camera. Then we did interviews, I was the first one to get interviewed, just talked about what led up to me being here at CCM and all that. Then we rotated and someone else was being interviewed and I was manning the camera and the audio headsets, then I held the boom mic too.

After we did the interview excercise we did a group project where we had a basic story, girl and guy. Guy proposes, girl rejects him. And then we thought up what should go in between. We filmed at the “Ward” house, which is graduate interns housing. It was really fun. ha ha.

I went to lunch sometime between the interviews and the story scene, I had a burrito and chips. After we did the filming we had free time until lights out. (We didn’t have to go to Honor Academy session.) So I went to my room to get my lap top and Danielle, Senia, and I went down to dinner. Once dinner was over Senia and I went to Mercy Ships to meet up with Jessica (My core advisor) and we stayed there talking and drinking coffee until closing time. Got back to the dorm and no one was there except Senia and me so I cleaned up the room, moved the table over to the corner and Senia swept and now it looks awesome and full of room. Then I went to bed. Going to church with Aspen and Shannon tomorrow, gonna go try out a church. Don’t have to wake up until 9! wow!! Also having core day tomorrow!


Well, I didn’t know it was so hard to wake up at nine! I kept on waking up earlier. Impossible, right? The first time I woke up I was like oh it for sure has to be almost 9, it was only 6:30! I had to go to the bathroom really bad to I had to get all the way down from my bunk bed and use the facilities. After that I woke up at like 7:30 and then 8:30. But once I woke up at 8, I took a shower and got dressed. It was only like 8:47 but then so now I am just on my laptop typing ot what I did for this glorious blog. I’ll tell you what i did for core day and I’ll post pictures of our core. Becuase we’re taking core pictures today. Yeah!

This week has been the longest week of MY LIFE!! I’m serious I can’t even believe that I’ve only been here for a week. It seems like I’ve been here for like a month! Insane.

Sunday Later,

Well I went to Harvest Church International. It was okay. I don’t think that’s the church that wants me to be at, but it was a good first church to go to. After church we went to Taco Bell and it was yummy.. Ha ha. Now i’m outside on the caf porch on my computer. In which I have named: Lena. I’m wearing my sun dress/prom dress because toady for our core day we have to wear dresses and also bring a change of clothes that can get ruined. Aspen and I think that we’re going to be painting or something like that because Jessica likes to paint. Not to sure, I’ll tell you later... If I’m allowed to. ohh ahh..

I’ll just leave you with this:

“Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint you can on it.”

-Danny Kaye

Friday, August 21, 2009

Tuesday and the way to Friday. Oh yah.


Well today was the first set of workshops at CCM. And let me tell you, it’s went quite well. My workshop was Direct/Produce/Wrtie with Doug Rittenhouse. It was really good. I was a little nervous going in there and maybe being asked question that I had no idea what the answer was. If you know me, then you’ll know that I really don’t know that much about the technical things of film. Thankfully, he told us all about like what the director, producer, and writer do. We learned like all the other postions to and all that jazz. And we even got to watch some of, “Behind the Music” Journey edition, in which Doug, uhh, produced it (?). I wanted to watch the whole thing becuase wasn’t it Journey the band that Lincoln Brewster had played for, for a little bit? I don’t know. Anyway, after lunch we did a excercise thing. You see when you are writing a film or television show or whatever for it to actually sound real you have to research your subject and the background of the history and all that. So Doug assigned us two research assignments. First, he assigned us a musician (I got Steve Taylor) and then a real life story in which Jesus changed the persons life, for that I got the subjet of self-injury, cutters. We had an hour to get as much information as we could and like to write a paragraph about it. I was really nervous that I was doing it wrong, but I guess I did good. Doug gave me pointers to make it better, for some reason I was thinking that if I didn’t do a good job that Doug would like fail me, but when he just gave me pointers I remembered what he said, “it’s okay to fail, I give you permission to fail.” And even though I didn’t fail this research assignment it made me feel better knowing that if I do try my best and I do fail that it’s okay, and I just need to get right back on that horse.

After the workshop we had a session with Mr. Hasz where he talked to us about like cleanliness and manners, it was good and funny. After the session was dinner but as I told you before this entry is that I did like a run through of lines with these guys at CCM and they wanted me to come in and do a audition in front of a camera, so before dinner I walked over to CCM (and let me get this straight CCM isn’t just an easy walk to the next building it’s like a mile away! and I walked like 5 times to it today!) So when I got to CCM they had me go into the studio and I sat on a stool and I looked into the camera and read my lines, I tried to like memorize them a little bit so I didn’t have to like look down a lot. I think it went well for the most part. But hey what do I know. As long as I got just a slight shot at something that’s good for me. yup.. So that was my day. Well then after dinner we had a session with Mrs. Luce. She’s the new women’s director at Teen Mania so there is a class for like girls and it was like intro for that. It was really good.

We also found out that we will be having core mom’s, these are women from the ages of 20-60 who will be out moms and have us over at their houses and just love us. I’m excited about that. I didn’t know any of the names except one, Mary Beth Hasz, Mr. Hasz’s mother, ha ha.. I just thought you would like to know. So that was my day. I can’t really rememeber anything else, so for now I will say good bye.


Today was definetely not as good as yesterrday, well it was like knowledge wise, but excercise wise. (wha?) No good. I set my alarm as always since I’ve been here at 5:30 a.m. But since my phone’s battery is like dying, not like if I charge it, it’ll be fine dying. But like serious DYING. It refuses to keep a charge and that little hourglass keeps on flipping over and over. Ummm hello, Mr. Hourglass man, you are not the energizer bunny! So stop doing that! Yup.. So I woke up with a jolt when I heard my roommate moving around and getting ready, I was like Oh my. Once we got down to the anvil for corporate I was like doing okay, but then the jogging of the loop came, all 1.2 miles of it, which includes inclines and declines. I just was not feeling it today, my calves were on FIRE! I thought that maybe the devil was holding an open flame to them, it was bad. But the day before Mr. Hasz had said not to give into what our body wants and even when it would say to give up and start walking that we should keep on jogging. So when it came time to jog today, our core was determined to keep jogging, we had done it the day before but today I was like UGH. But you want to know something, I jogged the whole time, I pushed past that pain and I finished it with a sprint. Amen, sister.

Uh.. Oh yes, then after that we had more workshops at CCM. I was in the editing workshop and let me tell you something it was so much fun. I am so excited to get in there and started. But at the same time I’m nervous becauase if I was an edit assist I would have to be doing certain stuff that sounded kind of hard and I don’t think I would want to mess up! Trusting in God though to help me out. But what also made the workshop fun was the people in it. There are so many different characters! Seriously, one of the guys there just breaks out in song, it’s really funny, and there are just so many funny people. I could probably just sit around and listen to them discuss the Lord of the Ring movies or imagine if Christian Bales was in a musical and them singing songs with the voice of batman. Hilarious. Anyway, the workshop was really fun and hopefully I will be able to become an edit assist and help out.

I just hope that I won’t get intimidated or get nervous or shy or whatever. After all that we had a session and it was really good. It was about, Blood Covenant. Yup.. So then we had core discussion and then I went to bed. Fun stuff man.


Well today was a little bit easier at corporate, on the run I ran with Jessica and I told her to push me and if I was going slow to tell me to speed up. I jogged the whole way. I’m getting better at it, but I’m sure I could be better. But like the inside of my foot is like killing me! I don’t know if it’s like because I have a sore muscle or if there’s something the matter. But whatever it is I don’t like it. I think I’ll look into it and see if I need to wear like a foot bind when I run.

After corporate, there was showers and then breakfast. We had grits and a bagel. And let me tell you, I love grits! They are so good! I wasn’t able to finish my bowl because I had to go to session but it was still good. After worship we had quiet time and then we had a session about school credits and ran through the test we have to take tomorrow. Then the rest of the day is sort of all a blur. But I do remember at the night session we went down to the pool and people that wanted to be rebaptized were able to. So that was really awesome to see. Then we went to bed. There was lightning in the distant and it was really cool looking.


Well guess what, woke up at 5:30 and we didn’t have corporate! So I was able to sleep in until like 7:30. It was amzing. I didn’t know that waking up at 7:30 was considered sleeping in. Sheesh this is what the Honor Academy does to you. After breakfast, worship, quiet time, and a session on churches in the area, we took the, Honor Academy Manuel Test, it was 201 questions about the manuel. The night before I had just read through the manuel and then we had that review session so I was pretty sure that I did well. Once I got finished with it, people were allowed to leave and do whatever until 12. So I was finished by 11 and I went and got my laptop and then went to the Caf and listened to Christmas music (it’s the only thing that I wanted to listen to, today!) and did random stuff on my computer. I took a personality quiz that Bob gave us and do you want to know what I got for my results? I got

Your Type is






Strength of the preferences %





I am, slightly expressed extravert, moderately expressed intuitive personality, moderately expressed thinking personality, and slightly expressed judging personality

I got an extraverted pointage of 1.. ONE!!!! I am so mad that I got that. Seriously, I’m not some crazy person that hides under a rock all day! Just cause I like to be by myself sometimes and not go to parties doesn’t mean I’m not outgoing!! Ugh. Darn this quiz! On the famous personalities that are like mine at the top of the list is, Napoleon. Napoleon the crazy short man that killed himself. This is not good. But you know what I am NOT going let some stinky test control my life I’m going to push through and well honestly I probably won’t even remember this by tomorrow. Shows them right. Yup.

Exhale. I’m over that. If you would like to know I did pass the Manuel test. Yeah! I got like a 94% on it. And you needed an 80% or higher to I’m satisfied. I ate lunch. Which was delicious it was like flat bread, lettuce, tomato, olive, beef, and onions. Yumm. But saying that I’ll eat anything It may not of been that good but I enjoyed it. Now I am at the CCM session and waiting for it to start up again. We’re taking a break, it’ll start in like 4 minutes. So. Getting commited tonight. ha ha. That sounds funny, but we’re just doing the banquet we’re we commit ourselves to two years at CCM. Get a our H.A. badge, get to wear our uniform and get to pledge to Teen Mania. Hoorah. I’ll tell you how it was later. Who know’s maybe I’ll take pictures. Of course I will. I will. Unti then I will leave you with this:

"A revolution can be neither made nor stopped. The only thing that can be done is for one of several of its children to give it a direction by dint of victories."

-Napoleon Bonaparte


Monday, August 17, 2009

The First of Many.. My Tales of CCM..

August 16, 2008

Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness. The infamous words of Orphan Annie, Wow. I am now officially a Texan, I guess after 24 hours of being in the state one can call themselves a Texan. Whoda thunk? Not me for sure, but I’ve decided I would like to stay a Californian. Not as much pressure you know, if I was a Texan I would feel obligated to wear a firearms on my hip 24/7, although that would be pretty awesome, I’m okay with my 20 tubes of lip gloss in my purse.

Anywho, Today was eventful, for me. I woke up at 5:30 and in darkness got ready for my rigourous training called Corporate. (I’m using such big words, man, this is insane what the humidity has done to my brain) Once we, my core, got down to the “Anvil” we lined up with whole rest of the Honor Academy and started our work out. In charge of this daily occurence, (Is that the right word? Oh well) is none other than, the very manly, Mr. David Hasz. Seriously he said today that he went on a nice jog of eight miles. Eight?!! We did excercised varying from, toe-ups to the nice jog around the campus they like to call the loop. All in all I got my fair share of stiff limbs and aching back for today.

The rest of day is all a blur but I do remember some amazing sessions and running the obstacle course in the sweltering heat, that might have been the lowest and highest point of the day. Highest, because I finished the obstacle course; Low, because I almost died of heat. Man, Oh man. So after the session, done by Randy Olsson, in which he mentioned his new girlfriend a.k.a. My sister. Once we got finished with the session we went back to the dorm and had a core meeting. It was really good and I totally love my core.

Although I’m still having a rough time being away from home, I had a little bit of a melt down when I called my sister today. I am still really excited about the next year. I met some CCM 2nd year girls that were totally cool and make me so excited to start.

August 17, 2008

I just had to tell you that today during a break in sessions at CCM I was asked to do an audition for a video for ATF. The casting director, Sam, was like, “Can you read these lines for this ATF video we’re making.” And I was like okay. And it was so weird cause just seconds before Aspen and I were talking about me doing some acting, Aspen is in the Acting Track at CCM, and I had told her that I would. Yah. So I read the lines. I don’t know if I did good or not. Don’t know if I’ll even get that part. But if I do, awesome. If I don’t, there’s always tomorrow. All in all this day has gone pretty good. Got to hang out with a really cool editor, Brie, and have her talk about editing. So now I’m at dinner, well, finished with dinner. I’m in the cafeteria updating blogs and all that jazz. Amen to that brotheren. I’ll write later. To close this newest addition to my life I will leave you with this:

Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it"


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hear, hear to a New Beginning..

Well.. Let's see. I haven't written in like a month. And I really don't think that matters much since no one probably reads this blog. But I don't really care, I just do it for the enjoyment of myself and family and friends that may be interested in what my life is currently like.
Today, has been uneventful, I woke up and I realized that it was like 10:30. Darn those curtains in hotel rooms that block out the sun so well. Yup, so after getting ready and finally leaving by 11:30 my family drove to the car place, where my new car had gotten all fixed up for my arrival. No longer was the handle to the driver side broken, or the rear headlight out, and hey, even the side panel of the driver side seat was fixed. So all in all the trip was good my new car..
If you know me then you will know that I love to name my cars, my car at home is named Gilbert, and so I decided to name my new car here in Texas, Sparky. It's an exciting name for the new exciting leg in my life. Yah, I have no idea what I'm saying or if I'm using these stinking commas right, anywhoo, I'm in Texas. Yes, in wonderful "Lone State". I'm being dropped off tomorrow at the Honor Academy where I will be going to "school" at their film school thing. So that is very exciting, but before I get to ahead of myself let me tell you more about my day.
After we left the auto car fixer place we drove down the street to the place where they detailed my car. We left Sparky there to be cleaned and picked Bethany up, because she had just had lunch with some of her friends, once Bethany was in the car we went and ate at Brookshire grocery store (they have a deli section that makes really good sandwiches and has tables to sit at) and ate there. Before we left I decided to try my luck on the "Claw Game" and guess what I got two stuffed animals, well I got one teddy bear and a plushie of Capt. James T. Kirk.. I really wanted Spock too, but he was kind of stuck under some other toys, but my dad said he would go back and try for it.. ha ha.. So hopefully he'll be as lucky as I was.
After lunch we went over to the sno-cone shop, where they have the most delicious sno -cones. Seriously, if you are ever in Van you HAVE to go to the Sno-Cone shop on Main street.. Awesome. Yah, blah blah blah about my day. Let me just tell you the rest of it in the next few sentences.
Went back to the hotel, Bethany and I sat in the car for like an hour and I told her all about what happened in the 4 Twilight books (she read the first, but was to lazy to read the last 3) and then we left and had dinner at Randy's. Well we went over and made dinner at Randy's house. We had tacos, and the tacos aren't just ground beef with lettuce. No, these are real Mexican Tacos, well our famiy's interpretation of tacos. They are deliocous, I'm still full from eating them.
Now, we're back at the hotel and I'm in the laudry room washing a load of clothes and telling all of you about my day, exciting as it was. As I told you before I'm getting dropped off tomorrow at the Honor Academy where I will be learning about God and film (ha ha) at Center for Creative Media (I always get the name wrong, but I'm pretty sure that I got it right..)
I really haven't gotten that nervous yet, but I'm sure that when I register and get my dorm room set all up, the butterflies will attack my stomach. People ask if I'm excited about it. And I'll tell them that I am, but in reality I really have no emotions about this. I just don't know what to expect and until I do know and I'm on that campus being told about what the next two years have in store for me, I truly won't know how I feel about it. You may say that I must be feeling something, and sure I'm feeling a little bit of nerves but other than that, Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Do you have a problem with that? Hmmm? So, That's all I have to say about that.
If I didn't say this already, I started this blog so I could update people with my life at the Honor
Academy, I probably will forget a lot of the time to right and I'll that, but it's my hope that I'll be able to
write on this thing at least once a week or maybe even more than once. Yup. So I will leave at that. Wait not before I leave with a quote,

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For while knowledge defines all we currently know and understand, imagination points to all we might yet discover and create."
-Albert Einstein
