Saturday, October 3, 2009

A Piece of the Artist.. A look into the mind of Anna.. Hoorah..

A Piece of the Artist..

By Anna Crowley

The world didn’t stop spinning..

I tried to get off this ride called life..

But it just threw me back on the ground..

I think that if I have one more day of this..

I could burst into a million sparklers..

I look up in the sky and I see it going no where..

I wonder if this is how it feels when you hit a wall..

When nothing else matters, but you..

Why did I even try to defeat this feeling..

The only reason I keep on going to because of the heart..

I sat under a tree and watched the fat lady pass by..

I thought that it didn’t end ‘til she finished singing..

I guess I was wrong..

What am I doing here, definitely not here for the scenery..

I think I should just take that journey to the waterfall..

Why did I even have to make sense..

It’s not like anyone really even cares that life is off..

I could drop off the spectrum and it wouldn’t matter..

But then again there is always..

That light at the end of the tunnel..

You want to know something..

I’m going to keep dancing ‘til the last dance..

Doesn’t matter what you say or think..

You can’t stop something that doesn’t want to..

You should just pass on, nothing to see here..

(This poem really doesn't mean anything in particular.. I just wanted to write a poem and I put the first random things that popped into my mind.. So don't insinuate anything from it.. Okay..)

Friday, October 2, 2009

My Day is SO Epic..

So I had a late night at the office.. I had my first all nighter at CCM.. Let me tell you something.. I feel awesome.. I should try this no sleeping thing more often.. I got off at 8 a.m. today and I didn't have to come in until 3 p.m.. I couldn't just go back to my dorm.. What kind of person would I be if as soon as I got off work or let's say a party, I went to bed.. I'll tell you what kind of person I would be, I'd be a square.. a.k.a a complete bore of a person that has no life.. So what do I do you may ask.......
Well, first I went and got myself some food.. All I'd eaten that night was a bag of peach O's and a cookie.. and some sweet tea.. Oh and some cracker thing mix.. Anyway.. So after I get some food in me I decide to go back to this cemetery that I had gone to a couple days ago but I couldn't take any decent pictures because I lost all my light.. So I went to the cemetery and some good pictures.. But then these creepy garbage men came to the parking lot of the church that has the cemetery and they were smoking up a storm.. So I called my mom and started talking to her and left..
I then went to Walmart and got some headphones and then I went to Rockwells.. I caught up on some of my tv shows.. Glee and Grey's Anatomy.. I was trying to hold back the tears as I watched Grey's Anatomy.. But I did it.. It's was good.. I was there all day, so when 1:30 rolled around I thought I should go back to campus and take a nap..
I didn't want to go sleep in my dorm because then I would get all comfortable and then never want to wake up.. So I decided to park kind of in the back, far away, from CCM and sleepthere til 3.. So I did.. I put on the soundtrack from Sabrina (the newer version) and I went to sleep.. I set my alarm for 3.. Yeah.. When 3 finally rolled around and my alarm went off, I was having a dream that my sister was in and when the alarm went off I was like, "Hold on." and then I woke up and turned off my alarm.. But I realized that I had said, hold on, out loud.. Yup..
Speaking of dreams.. Random fact.. Since I've been here I don't really have dreams anymore, my nights are just full of blackness.. But when I was sleeping in my car I had a dream..! I must feel more at home in my car or something.. I don't know.. It's crazy.. Maybe once I put up my little cave around my I'll have dreams.. I'll let you know.. I'm going to try getting those up this weekend..
Speaking of hallucinations.. I learned how to create hallucinations without taking drugs.. I might try it out.. But I really can't tell you how to do it, because you people might kill yourself in the process.. Oh yeah.. It's that dangerous.. Don't touch this..
Speaking of being sick.. I'm kind of sick.. It's such a drag.. I've got that nasty throat stuff in my throat and I keep on coughing.. And it is just no fun.. Why do we have to get sick..?! Hmmm.. Please do tell.. My roommate just told me not to push myself when I'm sick and that I should rest.. It looks like I can't go anywhere today.. Hmmm.. If I was a normal person that would sound really tempting just laying in bed all day.. But I'm not normal so when I hear, "You should rest." I just don't want to..! Now that I'm here in Texas, it seems like I always want to be by myself.. I never realized it at home, but I'm a very.. Be by myself kind of person.. I never thought I was but I am.. I would rather be with a small gathering of friends or totally by myself instead of be with a huge bunch of people.. Yup..
So today was good.. And after work we went to the subhouse and watched, The Brothers Bloom.. with a lot of CCMer friends.. and let me tell you something, that movie is amazing.. Probably one of the best movies I've seen in a while.. it had everything.. action, comedy, drama, suspense, mystery.. ha ha.. It was a wonderful movie.. Yup.. So this is where I depart and get on with my life.. Hopefully you all have a wonderful day.. And don't get to carried away with you're craziness..

"Insane people are always sure that they are fine. It is only the sane people who are willing to admit that they are crazy."
-Nora Ephron