Sunday, April 12, 2009

This is a little late.. But who cares..? Not me..

Isn't it amazing how much things have changed.. I mean like only 50 years ago things were really different.. Ha ha. So I don't know the specifics.. So sue me... Right now I'm kind of annoyed cause I had written this whole blog entry and I was going to put a quote on it.. So I accidently opened the new window on the blog site.. So I lost everything.. What a drag...
So I'm was in Texas since.. Umm... Friday I think.. And now I'm on my to LA.. But I had this vibe that I would see someone famous.. (Ok.. Maybe it wasn't exactly a vibe..) And I haven't seen any yet.. I'm on the plane to LA.. And there's like an half an hour left on the flight.. (Give or take a few..) And there are no famous people in site.. But I guess I am landing LA which is like the capital for famous people.. So maybe I have a chance.. Now the vibe is back.. Ha ha.. Hey maybe the vibe god didn't just mean my Texas vacation.. But also my whole Spring Break.. So in that case I've still got like a week left.. I'm good now.. Well.. I'll tell you if I've seen anyone.. In a later post..

"A friend is someone who sings your heart's song back to you when you have forgotten the words."

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Wow.. Can This Be Real..?

Well.. This is insane.. So much is happening in my life.. Not only am I starting my own blog.. (Which that's pretty big in my book) Butt I'm also moving on from my life as a High Schooler into the life in the "Real World".. But As the little bubble called, "My High School Career" is about to burst.. What should I do..? You know how people say they want to stay in High School forever.. And that High School was the best part of life.. Well, for me.. I always thought that these people were completely insane for saying these things and that there are so more bigger and better things that I could do than think about stupid High School.. But then I never expected that I would find friends like the one's I have now.. Or have such awesome experiences that I've had.. And so now that I think back to the people that say that they don't want to ever leave High School. Although I would probably hate to stay there forever.. I can't help but wish I had a little more time..
I mean.. I feel like I'm being thrown into the mix of everything.. School doesn't prepare you for what actually happens in the "Real World".. Sure they teach you about how to write a good paper or how to fill out a application correctly but they don't show you how to interact with complete strangers or how to get over home sickness when your in a whole new place.. I sometimes think of what would happen if I go to some place new and everyone there is totally mean and doesn't want to be my friend.. Now I know that this probably wouldn't happen.. But I still think about it.. Who doesn't..?!!
As I look at my very first blog I see that it's pretty serious and deep.. And though at times I can be a deep person.. Most of the time I try to be a goof ball and not stress about what's coming up.. Most of my post will be random and full of my wonderful personality.. (Did I tell you that I'm a little vain..?) I'll try my best to let all of you guys know what's going on in my life.. And that's all I can guarentee for now.. A blog is definitely not like a journal or diary.. It's totally public.. So I won't be as super open.. Cause I don't want a creeper coming and stalking me or something.. But I may vent a little if I have to.. So enjoy this as much as I will.. Cause I love to write.. As you can see from my like 2 page long entry..! Enjoy life and don't take yourself to seriously..

"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
-Soren Aabye Kierkegaard

(I'm going to put a random quote at the end of my blogs.. Even if I don't fully understand them.. I'm going to do it..)