Monday, August 17, 2009

The First of Many.. My Tales of CCM..

August 16, 2008

Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness. The infamous words of Orphan Annie, Wow. I am now officially a Texan, I guess after 24 hours of being in the state one can call themselves a Texan. Whoda thunk? Not me for sure, but I’ve decided I would like to stay a Californian. Not as much pressure you know, if I was a Texan I would feel obligated to wear a firearms on my hip 24/7, although that would be pretty awesome, I’m okay with my 20 tubes of lip gloss in my purse.

Anywho, Today was eventful, for me. I woke up at 5:30 and in darkness got ready for my rigourous training called Corporate. (I’m using such big words, man, this is insane what the humidity has done to my brain) Once we, my core, got down to the “Anvil” we lined up with whole rest of the Honor Academy and started our work out. In charge of this daily occurence, (Is that the right word? Oh well) is none other than, the very manly, Mr. David Hasz. Seriously he said today that he went on a nice jog of eight miles. Eight?!! We did excercised varying from, toe-ups to the nice jog around the campus they like to call the loop. All in all I got my fair share of stiff limbs and aching back for today.

The rest of day is all a blur but I do remember some amazing sessions and running the obstacle course in the sweltering heat, that might have been the lowest and highest point of the day. Highest, because I finished the obstacle course; Low, because I almost died of heat. Man, Oh man. So after the session, done by Randy Olsson, in which he mentioned his new girlfriend a.k.a. My sister. Once we got finished with the session we went back to the dorm and had a core meeting. It was really good and I totally love my core.

Although I’m still having a rough time being away from home, I had a little bit of a melt down when I called my sister today. I am still really excited about the next year. I met some CCM 2nd year girls that were totally cool and make me so excited to start.

August 17, 2008

I just had to tell you that today during a break in sessions at CCM I was asked to do an audition for a video for ATF. The casting director, Sam, was like, “Can you read these lines for this ATF video we’re making.” And I was like okay. And it was so weird cause just seconds before Aspen and I were talking about me doing some acting, Aspen is in the Acting Track at CCM, and I had told her that I would. Yah. So I read the lines. I don’t know if I did good or not. Don’t know if I’ll even get that part. But if I do, awesome. If I don’t, there’s always tomorrow. All in all this day has gone pretty good. Got to hang out with a really cool editor, Brie, and have her talk about editing. So now I’m at dinner, well, finished with dinner. I’m in the cafeteria updating blogs and all that jazz. Amen to that brotheren. I’ll write later. To close this newest addition to my life I will leave you with this:

Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it"


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