Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hear, hear to a New Beginning..

Well.. Let's see. I haven't written in like a month. And I really don't think that matters much since no one probably reads this blog. But I don't really care, I just do it for the enjoyment of myself and family and friends that may be interested in what my life is currently like.
Today, has been uneventful, I woke up and I realized that it was like 10:30. Darn those curtains in hotel rooms that block out the sun so well. Yup, so after getting ready and finally leaving by 11:30 my family drove to the car place, where my new car had gotten all fixed up for my arrival. No longer was the handle to the driver side broken, or the rear headlight out, and hey, even the side panel of the driver side seat was fixed. So all in all the trip was good my new car..
If you know me then you will know that I love to name my cars, my car at home is named Gilbert, and so I decided to name my new car here in Texas, Sparky. It's an exciting name for the new exciting leg in my life. Yah, I have no idea what I'm saying or if I'm using these stinking commas right, anywhoo, I'm in Texas. Yes, in wonderful "Lone State". I'm being dropped off tomorrow at the Honor Academy where I will be going to "school" at their film school thing. So that is very exciting, but before I get to ahead of myself let me tell you more about my day.
After we left the auto car fixer place we drove down the street to the place where they detailed my car. We left Sparky there to be cleaned and picked Bethany up, because she had just had lunch with some of her friends, once Bethany was in the car we went and ate at Brookshire grocery store (they have a deli section that makes really good sandwiches and has tables to sit at) and ate there. Before we left I decided to try my luck on the "Claw Game" and guess what I got two stuffed animals, well I got one teddy bear and a plushie of Capt. James T. Kirk.. I really wanted Spock too, but he was kind of stuck under some other toys, but my dad said he would go back and try for it.. ha ha.. So hopefully he'll be as lucky as I was.
After lunch we went over to the sno-cone shop, where they have the most delicious sno -cones. Seriously, if you are ever in Van you HAVE to go to the Sno-Cone shop on Main street.. Awesome. Yah, blah blah blah about my day. Let me just tell you the rest of it in the next few sentences.
Went back to the hotel, Bethany and I sat in the car for like an hour and I told her all about what happened in the 4 Twilight books (she read the first, but was to lazy to read the last 3) and then we left and had dinner at Randy's. Well we went over and made dinner at Randy's house. We had tacos, and the tacos aren't just ground beef with lettuce. No, these are real Mexican Tacos, well our famiy's interpretation of tacos. They are deliocous, I'm still full from eating them.
Now, we're back at the hotel and I'm in the laudry room washing a load of clothes and telling all of you about my day, exciting as it was. As I told you before I'm getting dropped off tomorrow at the Honor Academy where I will be learning about God and film (ha ha) at Center for Creative Media (I always get the name wrong, but I'm pretty sure that I got it right..)
I really haven't gotten that nervous yet, but I'm sure that when I register and get my dorm room set all up, the butterflies will attack my stomach. People ask if I'm excited about it. And I'll tell them that I am, but in reality I really have no emotions about this. I just don't know what to expect and until I do know and I'm on that campus being told about what the next two years have in store for me, I truly won't know how I feel about it. You may say that I must be feeling something, and sure I'm feeling a little bit of nerves but other than that, Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Do you have a problem with that? Hmmm? So, That's all I have to say about that.
If I didn't say this already, I started this blog so I could update people with my life at the Honor
Academy, I probably will forget a lot of the time to right and I'll that, but it's my hope that I'll be able to
write on this thing at least once a week or maybe even more than once. Yup. So I will leave at that. Wait not before I leave with a quote,

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For while knowledge defines all we currently know and understand, imagination points to all we might yet discover and create."
-Albert Einstein


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