Saturday, August 29, 2009

Don't You Love It..?

Oh my goodness.. This post has nothing to do about Texas or anything.. Just my thoughts..

Don't you love it when you listen to a song and you get so into it that when the singer hits that high note, the climax of the song, you just get the chills..

Don't you love the smell of the world when it just stops raining and the air is so clear and you just look around you and are like, "man it smells good."

Don't you love it when you are walking in the woods and you're just by yourself and you feel like you could be anywhere.. Or in anytime..?

Don't you love watching old movies? You know that in the end the guy will ALWAYS end up with the girl, but until that happens every step to her is like a cliff hanger.

Don't you love being able to lay in the grass, with your headphones in and listen to music.. But not just any music, you have to listen to instrumental.. Classical is probably the best.

Don't you love being in a crowd and being the only one that feels sure of themselves..? And not even caring if you do something stupid, because in the end it doesn't matter what they think.

Don't you love when you are with your family and you can act as crazy as you can and they don't care, because they can just say, "Wow, that's so Anna."

Don't you love being so in awe of something that words can't even describe how you feel..

Don't you love it when it's freezing outside, but you know that if you wear a million layers and have a cup of tea you'll be perfectly content going outside..

Don't you love pulling the comfy chair right in front of the fire and curl up with a really good book and some hot drink and just be happy to be there, in that moment.

Don't you love having a marathon, movie marathon that is. You can't even feel bad for watching like hours of movies because you're having a marathon.. And Duh! Everyone knows that's a good excuse..

Don't you love when you have that one person that you can just vent to.. Even when you're totally fed up with someone or something, you know that one person will always be there to listen..

Don't you love it when you're talking to someone and you don't even have to think of the next thing you guys are going to talk about, because conversation just goes so smoothly you don't need to think about..

Don't you love it when you don't have to care what you look like or dress like because no one that you're with cares about what you look like, they just like you as you are..

Don't you love music? When I listen to Ella Fitzgerald or Tony Bennett, sometimes I can just imagine what it was like to be there when they were singing it live.

Man.. I love.. Loving things.. I'll think up of some more things that I love and post some more.. But right now I just want to enjoy my bliss with life..

"Love life and life will love you back. Love people and they will love you back."

Signing off,
-Arthur Rubinstein

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